14 Days Transformation

"I’m so happy with the result. 2 weeks with Peptica + Octa-blu 🥹
Before I received my Octa-blu, I apply Peptica only for 2 weeks."
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-31 at 3.27.54 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-31 at 3.27.53 PM.jpeg

Hear what our NPBabes has to share

"It is sooo good sampai i dah takyah pi buat extraction dah kat klinik. Memang my no.1 serum. I start pakai ni yang nampak my pores makin bersih. Takde dah clogged pores. Major LOVE!! And harini happy sangat bila kena puji white head black head sangat sangat kurang sampai tatau nak extract apa"


" Day 2 pemakaian sunscreen @NaturesPalette_
 Macam biasa hari ni pun i add on tinted sunscreen. Just a quick review, finishing as base makeup cantik. I pakai tinted sunscreen sampai petang tak berlemuih, oily sikit area T-zone which is normal for me. Good job!"


"Melonica Jelly Oil Cleanser ni 1st time i jumpa 1st cleanser seunik ini sebab dia dalam gel form. Which kelebihan dia is not messy like oil cleanser. Cleanse good enough but still won’t rip your skin moisture "


"My left side cheek, after 14 days i guna vitamin c & dewbright in my skincare routine. Bintik hitam makin cerah & kulit dah tak kusam and pori pun makin mengecil?!"


"Tbh antara semua cleanser, melonica ni paling tak pedih mata. Thank you @NaturesPalette_
 sebab selalu produce product yang mesra sensitive skin "


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